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All the material available in this website is only for educational purposes. Email me if you need more information: gquijanog@iingen.unam.mx

Research Papers

6. Flores-Salgado G, Contreras JA, Perez-Trevilla J, Quijano G (2023) Removal of volatile methyl siloxanes in an anoxic two-phase partitioning bioreactor operated with hydrophobic biomass. Chemical Engineering Journal 477:146985





1. Quijano G, Figueroa-González I, Buitrón G (2018) Fully aerobic two-step desulfurization process for purification of highly H2S-laden biogas. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 93:3553-3561. [MORE INFORMATION]

2. Figueroa-González I, Moreno G, Carrillo-Reyes J, Sánchez A, Quijano G, Buitrón G (2018) From mesophilic to thermophilic conditions: one-step temperature increase improves the methane production of a granular activated sludge treating agroindustrial effluents. Biotechnology Letters 40:569-575. [MORE INFORMATION]

3. Buitrón G, Figueroa-González I, Quijano G (2018) Kinetic characterization of Scenedesmus quadricauda under low irradiation conditions. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 93:842-848. [MORE INFORMATION]

4. San-Valero P, Dorado AD, Quijano G, Álvarez-Hornos AJ, Gabaldón C (2018) Biotrickling filter modeling for styrene abatement. Part 2: Simulating a two-phase partitioning bioreactor. Chemosphere 191: 1075-1082. [MORE INFORMATION]

5. Ordaz A, Figueroa-Gonzalez I, San-Valero P, Gabaldón C, Quijano G (2018) Effect of the height-to-diameter ratio on the mass transfer and mixing performance of a biotrickling filter. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 93:121-126. [MORE INFORMATION]

1. San Valero P, Gabaldón C, Penya-roja JM, Quijano G (2017) Enhanced styrene removal in a two-phase partitioning bioreactor operated as a biotrickling filter: towards full-scale applications. Chemical Engineering Journal 309:588-595. [MORE INFORMATION]

2. Lopez JC, Porca E, Collins G, Perez R, Rodriguez-Alija A, Muñoz R, Quijano G (2017) Biogas-based denitrification in a biotrickling filter: Influence of nitrate concentration and hydrogen sulfide. Biotechnology & Bioengineering 114:665-673. [MORE INFORMATION]

1. Díaz I, Figueroa-González I, Miguel JA, Bonilla-Morte LM, Quijano G (2016) Enhancing the biomethane potential of liquid dairy cow manure by addition of solid manure fractions. Biotechnology Letters 38:2097-2102. [MORE INFORMATION]

2. Figueroa González I, Quijano G, Laguna I, Muñoz R, García-Encina P (2016) A fundamental study on biological N2O removal in the presence of oxygen. Chemosphere 158:9-16. [MORE INFORMATION]

3. Frutos OD, Quijano G, Perez R, Muñoz R (2016) Simultaneous biological nitrous oxide abatement and wastewater treatment in a denitrifying off-gas bioscrubber. Chemical Engineering Journal 288:28-37. [MORE INFORMATION]

4. Lebrero R, Lopez JC, Lehtinen I, Perez R, Quijano G, Muñoz R (2016) Exploring the potential of fungi for methane abatement: performance evaluation of a fungal-bacterial biofilter. Chemosphere 144:97-106. [MORE INFORMATION]

1. Frutos OD, Arvelo IA, Perez R, Quijano G, Muñoz R (2015) Continuous nitrous oxide abatement in a novel denitrifying off-gas bioscrubber. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 99:3695-3706. [MORE INFORMATION]

2. Dorado AD, Dumont E, Muñoz R, Quijano G (2015) A novel mathematical approach for the understanding and optimization of two-phase partitioning bioreactors devoted to air pollution control. Chemical Engineering Journal 263:239-248. [MORE INFORMATION]

4. Estrada JM, Dudek A, Muñoz R, Quijano G (2014) Fundamental study on gas–liquid mass transfer in a biotrickling filter packed with polyurethane foam. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 89:1419-1424. [MORE INFORMATION]

5. Estrada JM, Lebrero R, Quijano G, Perez R, Figueroa-Gonzalez I, Garcia-Encina P, Muñoz R (2014) Methane abatement in a gas-recycling biotrickling filter: evaluating innovative operational strategies to overcome mass transfer limitations. Chemical Engineering Journal 253:385-393. [MORE INFORMATION]

6. Saucedo-Lucero JO, Quijano G, Arriaga S, Muñoz R (2014) Hexane abatement and spore emission control in a fungal biofilter-photoreactor hybrid unit. Journal of Hazardous Materials 276:287-294. [MORE INFORMATION]

7. Malhautier L, Quijano G, Avezac M, Rocher J, Fanlo JL (2014) Kinetic characterization of toluene biodegradation by Rhodococcus erythropolis: towards a rationale for microflora enhancement in bioreactors devoted to air treatment. Chemical Engineering Journal 247:199-204. [MORE INFORMATION]

8. Lebrero R, Estrada JM, Muñoz R, Quijano G (2014) Deterioration of organic packing materials commonly used in air biofiltration: Effect of VOC-packing interactions. Journal of Environmental Management 137:93-100. [MORE INFORMATION]

9. Lebrero R, Hernandez M, Quijano G, Muñoz R (2014) Hexane biodegradation in two-liquid phase biofilters operated with hydrophobic biomass: effect of the organic phase- packing media ratio and the irrigation rate. Chemical Engineering Journal 237:162-168. [MORE INFORMATION]

10. Lopez JC, Quijano G, Perez R, Muñoz R (2014) Effect of pollutant concentration during isolation on the CH4 biodegradation kinetics, population structure and PHB accumulation. Chemical Engineering Transactions 40:211-216.

1. Muñoz R, Souza TSO, Glittmann L, Perez R, Quijano G (2013) Biological anoxic treatment of O2-free VOC emissions from the petrochemical industry: a proof of concept study. Journal of Hazardous Materials 260:442-450. [MORE INFORMATION]

2. Quijano G, Couvert A, Amrane A, Darracq G, Couriol C, Le Cloirec P, Paquin L, Carrie D (2013) Absorption and biodegradation of hydrophobic volatile organic compounds in ionic liquids. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 224:1528. [MORE INFORMATION]

3. Estrada JM, Quijano G, Lebrero R, Muñoz R (2013) Step-feed biofiltration: a low cost alternative configuration for off-gas treatment. Water Research 47:4312-4321. [MORE INFORMATION]

4. Muñoz R, Gan E, Hernandez M, Quijano G (2013) Hexane biodegradation in two-liquid phase bioreactors: high-performance operation based on the use of hydrophobic biomass. Biochemical Engineering Journal 70:9-16. [MORE INFORMATION]

5. Ordaz A, Quijano G, Thalasso F, Garibay-Orijel C (2013) Pulse respirometry in two-phase partitioning bioreactors: case study of terephthalic acid biodegradation. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 169:810-820. [MORE INFORMATION]

1. Estrada JM, Rodriguez E, Quijano G, Muñoz R (2012) Influence of VOC concentration on the diversity and biodegradation performance of microbial communities. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 35:1477-1488. [MORE INFORMATION]

2. Hernandez M, Quijano G, Muñoz R (2012) Key role of microbial characteristics on the performance of VOC biodegradation in two-liquid phase bioreactors. Environmental Science & Technology 46:4059-4066. [MORE INFORMATION]

3. Lebrero R, Estrada JM, Muñoz R, Quijano G (2012). Toluene mass transfer characterization in a biotrickling filter. Biochemical Engineering Journal 60: 44-49. [MORE INFORMATION]

4. Ordaz A, Oliveira CS, Quijano G, Ferreira EC, Alves M, Thalasso F (2012) Kinetic and stoichiometric characterization of a fixed biofilm reactor by pulse respirometry. Journal of Biotechnology 157:173-179. [MORE INFORMATION]

1. Rocha-Rios J, Quijano G, Thalasso F, Revah S, Muñoz R (2011) Methane biodegradation in a two-phase partition airlift reactor with gas recirculation. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 86:353-360. [MORE INFORMATION]

2. Hernandez M, Quijano G, Muñoz R, Bordel S (2011) Modeling of VOC mass transfer in two-liquid phase stirred tank, biotrickling filter and airlift reactors. Chemical Engineering Journal 172:961-969. [MORE INFORMATION]

3. Quijano G, Couvert A, Amrane A, Darracq G, Couriol C, Le Cloirec P, Paquin L, Carrié D (2011) Potential of ionic liquids for VOC absorption and biodegradation in multiphase systems. Chemical Engineering Science 66:2707-2712. [MORE INFORMATION]

4. Quijano G, Couvert A, Amrane A, Darracq G, Couriol C, Le Cloirec P, Paquin L, Carrie D (2011) Toxicity and biodegradability of ionic liquids: new perspectives towards whole-cell biotechnological applications. Chemical Engineering Journal 174:27-32. [MORE INFORMATION]

1. Quijano G, Hernandez M, Villaverde S, Thalasso F, Muñoz R (2010) A step-forward in the characterization and potential applications of solid and liquid oxygen transfer vectors. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 85:543-551. [MORE INFORMATION]

2. Quijano G, Rocha Rios J, Hernandez M, Villaverde S, Revah S, Muñoz R, Thalasso F (2010) Determining the effect of solid and liquid vectors on the gaseous interfacial area and oxygen transfer rates in two-phase partitioning bioreactors. Journal of Hazardous Materials 175:1085-1089. [MORE INFORMATION]

3. Quijano G, Ordaz A, Muñoz R, Thalasso F (2010) New insights on oxygen uptake mechanisms in two-phase partitioning bioreactors. Biotechnology Letters 32:223-228. [MORE INFORMATION]

4. Hernandez M, Quijano G, Thalasso F, Daugulis AJ, Villaverde S, Muñoz R (2010). A comparative study of solid and liquid non-aqueous phases for the biodegradation of hexane in two-phase partitioning bioreactors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering106:731-740. [MORE INFORMATION]

5. Quijano G, Chavez-Avila R, Muñoz R, Thalasso F, Ordaz A (2010) KLa measurement in two-phase partitioning bioreactors: new insights on potential errors at low power input. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 85:1407-1412. [MORE INFORMATION]

6. Hernandez M, Gouveia J, Quijano G, Thalasso F, Villaverde S, Muñoz R (2010) A systematic study of the influence on microbial kinetics of the presence of an organic phase during microbial isolation. Chemical Engineering Transactions 23:375-380.

7. Lebrero R, Quijano G, Torio I, Martinez B, Muñoz R (2010) A comparative study of two biological processes for odour treatment: biofiltration vs. activated sludge diffusion. Chemical Engineering Transactions 23:333-338.

8. Quijano G, Huerta-Ochoa S, Gutierrez-Rojas M (2010) Assessment of the limiting step of mass transfer in n-hexadecane biodegradation in a bubble column reactor. Water Science and Technology 62:906-914. [MORE INFORMATION]

1. Quijano G, Revah S, Gutierrez-Rojas M, Flores-Cotera LB, Thalasso F (2009) Oxygen transfer in three-phase airlift and stirred tank reactors using silicone oil as transfer vector. Process Biochemistry 44:619-624. [MORE INFORMATION]